Why do Ragdoll cats hate to close doors?

Ragdoll is a unique cat breed that is known for its docile nature and behavior. That’s why these cat breeds are so popular around the world, and perfect fit for family and individuals also. One common quirk that many Ragdoll owners notice is their cats' dislike of closed doors. In this article we try to understand why ragdoll cats hate closed doors?

The 5 Reasons Why cat hated the close doors

Due to Social Nature

As you know ragdolls are famous for their social nature. If you leave your cat alone with a closed door, They love and enjoy human interaction. That’s why this is the most important reason for cats: they hated closed doors. 

They’re Curious

Like all cats, Ragdolls have a natural curiosity. A closed door presents a mystery that they are eager to explore.The desire to know what's on the other side can drive them to try and open the door.

Bond with Owners

Ragdolls often form strong bonds with their owners and may become anxious when separated from them. If you are on the other side of a closed door, your Ragdoll may become distressed, and try to open the door if they are closed. 

Environmental Awareness

Ragdolls are aware of the changing environment. If you close your door and leave your ragdoll alone, they become frustrated, they want to know what is happening outside. That’s why ragdolls do not like closed doors. 

Control Over Their Space

Ragdolls, like many cats, enjoy having control over their environment. A closed door restricts their ability to move freely and explore, leading to frustration or agitation.

Can Cats Become Comfortable With Closed Doors?

In cats, this is common behavior; they don’t like closed doors. But if you are annoyed by your cats due to this habit, you can change them and train them how to live in closed doors. Ragdolls are a very smart and intelligent cat breed, they learn any skills very quickly. If you train your cat you start as early as possible, because when your cat is smaller in age, It is easy to train. 


Like other cats, Ragdolls are also curious in nature. They do not like closed doors. In general, Ragdoll is very simple and calm in nature. But sometimes they get anxious and stressed when you left your cat alone with closed doors. By recognising and respecting these behaviours, you can ensure that your Ragdoll feels secure, loved, and content in your home.


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